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Basically, even when people have found caches in those regions, it doesn't show green on the UK regions map on the Profile Stats page. This can be seen on my profile for the South West, and it's also a problem for others who have found caches in the South East.

I suspect this is something to do with a fix for the bug I reported here. Given that the Southeast and Southwest were the regions with the maps (as opposed to the South East and the South West), I suspect that changing the region names to South East and South West has removed those regions from the Profile Stats map.

I tried a hard-refresh of the page, but that didn't work.

in Bug reports by Paperballpark (11.5k points)
Me too. Other issues I have are that Somerset is grey in South West, and West Sussex and Surrey are grey in the South East. These should all be white for me as I haven't found any caches in these counties yet.

In the East Midlands, I have white holes where the Nottingham, Leicester and Derby municipal boroughs used to be, even though I've found caches there (and also in the surrounding shire in each case)
Optimist on the run can you give the precise URL you are seeing this on please? I've not seen behaviour where holes in the polygons exist. This shouldn't happen and is likely a separate issue.
Optimist checking your profile stats county map. The only holes I can see are for Rutland, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, City of Bristol, Somerset, Merseyside, Bedfordshire, West Sussex, Surrey, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and large parts of Scotland and Wales.
See - click on East Midlands region. Screenshot at I'm using the latest version of Firefox if that makes a difference.
This is the same CDN issues as the regions. You can see the fixed version by clicking on the map after it shows the smaller version.

Once the CDN expires it's stored version and asks project GC for a refreshed version it will be fixed.
Thanks - I suspected it was some sort of refresh issue, which is why I hadn't reported it earlier.

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
Yes the generation of the new polygons originally had Southeast and Southwest England rather South East England and South West England. After checking with ganja1447 he confirmed that the static maps on the profile stats page are generated infrequently and cached and served up by a CDN (content delivery network) that he has no control over.

If you actually click on the map it should refresh and show the corrected data. The smaller version embedded on the stats profile is cached on the CDN servers and until they refresh usually within a few days then the map will still show white for these regions.

If you use the report on the Tools menu ie: Map Regions and Map Counties then you will see the data is actually correct it's just a display issue on the static map that will persist until the CDN refreshes. This is out with project-GC control at present.
by ShammyLevva (Expert) (8.3k points)
selected by Paperballpark
I have the same issue. South East and South West England still white. What is strange is that when you click the map a gif file opens. In this image they are both green. One would assume that gif you open is the one that is displayed, but obviously not as indicated above.

It must take more than a few days as I have finds in South East England in December 2013 and August 2015 and it is still white on the map
0 votes
I also have this issue with my Profile Stats page.  (I'm richt2000)
by richt2000 (250 points)
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All regions and counties display correctly for me now.
by Optimist on the run (Expert) (20.6k points)