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0 votes

I am planning a trip to Denmark to log some challenges. While I can figure most out myself, I would like to increase the number of challenge checkers there. In this post, I will list all challenges that I find have no challenge checkers, but could have. I will also try to explain what's needed for them.

The first one to add an answer that they have created a tag for a challenge will be sent 30 days 90 days of PGC-membership as a coupon code, as soon as the checker is verified. I will add a strikethrough on those where a challenge checker has been created.

Now when the easiest of them has been solved I am upping the rewards to 90 days of membership for each checker that does what it should.

Challenge : Bald Eagle

  • On one day, find 7 distinct types and 6 distinct sizes from one cache owner.

Challenge: Den alsidige geocacher

  • For each month, log at least 10 geocaches, the year doesn't matter (Jan, Feb ...) >= 10 finds.
  • For each date (1st, 2nd, 3rd ...) log at least 10 geocaches, year and month doesn't matter.
  • Have logged at least 10 geocaches of at least 4 cache types.

There are two screenshots in the cache description that shows the requirements as well.

Drengenavne - challenge

  • Log at least 10 geocaches containing a persons name in the title. If a name is foo, the word foobar isn't valid.

This requires a white-list of names. For Swedish names, most data can be found at SCB (Statistiska Centralbyrån / Statistic central bureau).

If sites for other countries can be found, it's a plus.

The checker should state that it can give false negatives. Preferably in the script comment, tag comment, and script output.

Challenge; en glad een!


Challenge Nord Syd Øst Vest

  • Log a geocache that is more south than the most southern one in Denmark.
  • ... more north than the most northern in Denmark.
  • ... more west than the most western in Denmark.
  • ... more east than the most eastern in Denmark.

A new API call will be created if someone posts that they are interested in creating a checker for this one. The cache description does not say how to handle geocaches like, I assume that one can be ignored, and I suggest so, and saying so in the script output.

Challenge: MEGA Event og Event på samme dag

Challenge De nordiske svaner

Challenge: Nord Syd Øst Vest

  • The most northern, southern, western, eastern find should be in other countries than Denmark.
  • I assume can be ignored by the checker. The challenge doesn't say so though. I suggest ignoring it, and saying so in the script output.
  • The example log should contain gccode (link), log-link, visitdate, name of country.

Challenge... 25 hele dage uden fund

  • Have 25 days without a find.
  • I assume one can't start counting before ones first found.
  • Dates before 2012-01-01 (YYYY-MM-DD) should be ignored.

Challenge: Kan du klokken?

This will require a white-list of words, it can fairly easily be created with Google translate though.

  • Log 12 geoaches, containing the numbers 1 to twelve.
  • Language doesn't matter, as long as it exists in Google Translate.
  • The number in the middle of the word is ok, ie fooONEbar.
  • The output should probably tell which language is used.

Challenge: Sommercacheren

Challenge: Forårscacheren

Challenge: Vintercacheren

  • Have a caching streak from December the 1st to and including 28th Februari, OR, 29th if it's a leap year.

Challenge: Efterårscacheren

Challenge: Tidens gang (3 år)

Challenge: Tidens gang (1 år)

Challenge: Tidens gang (6 måneder)

Challenge: Vandrestøvler

Challenge: De gode gamle (Fyn)

 Challenge Fyn #1 Odense

BB: Challenge: Blandede Bolcher

  • Spell "Blandede Bolcher" with the initial character of geocaches you have logged.
  • Geocaches starting with anything but alpha is unusable.
  • The following cache types must be used: Trad, myst, multi, letterbox, earth cache
  • The same geocache may not be used twice.
  • Log on geocaches you own may not be used.
  • The example log should contain cache-name, gccode, cache-type.

Challenge - din egen

Challenge Fyn #3 Nyborg

Challenge: Visit all the Nordic Countries +one

Challenge Fyn # 5 Faaborg

in Miscellaneous by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
edited by magma1447 (Admin)
"Challenge; en glad een! [...] Something about criticizing that I don't understand."

Do criticize caches but do it in a nice way, directly to the CO.
De gode gamle (Fyn)

The bookmarklist contains caches which on the island Langeland

Please tell if those have to be included
They should. On fyn and belonging islands. My first translation was sloppy.
Reward updated to be 90 days for the following (correct) checkers.

19 Answers

+2 votes

Challenge: MEGA Event og Event på samme dag

by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
You should have received two coupon codes as a PM on the site now. I had to create some code for it, so please inform me if you haven't received them yet.
+2 votes
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
+2 votes
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
+2 votes

Challenge: Sommercacheren
Challenge: Forårscacheren
Challenge: Efterårscacheren
Challenge: Vintercacheren can not be done with this script because of the two different years and a variable februari
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
+2 votes

Challenge Fyn #3 Nyborg

Here are two possibilities
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
+2 votes
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
+2 votes

Challenge: Visit all the Nordic Countries +one

by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
+2 votes
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
+2 votes

Challenge: Vandrestøvler

  • At least 5 found geocaches with the >10 km attribute.
  • At least 100 found geocaches with the <10 km attribute.
  • At least 100 found geocaches with the <1 km attribute.
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
+2 votes
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
+2 votes

Challenge: Tidens gang (3 år)

Challenge: Tidens gang (1 år)

Challenge: Tidens gang (6 måneder)

by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
+2 votes

Challenge - din egen

  • Not really a challenge. This is created after no more challenges were allowed, and it clearly says there is no ALR.

When it was in the list i created it

by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
+2 votes


  • Log the 17 D/T combinations shown in the image in the description.
  • They must all be of the same cache-type.

Checks only for "Virtual Cache","Wherigo Cache", "Virtual Cache", "Cache In Trash Out Event","Event Cache","Earthcache", "Letterbox Hybrid", "Multi-cache", "Unknown Cache", "Traditional Cache"

The other types reverse, webcam, special events is impossible and mega giga vill newer have all nessecery DT

by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
just a small cosmetic issue: on the result page the matrix for the virtual caches is two times included, but anyway thanks a lot for the nice overview. Unfortunately PGC has only 3 of the matrix in their stat pages.
+1 vote

Challenge... 25 hele dage uden fund

Count only days after your first find or the start date 2012-01-01 if you have finds before that.
Last possible day of the break is today
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
+1 vote

Drengenavne - challenge

Uses the provides Swedish and Danish name data
Can result in false negative because of missing names and because the if there are multiple matches on a cache the first found is used. 
Can result in false positive when removing punctutations

    by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
    +1 vote

    Challenge : Bald Eagle

    The verification results in only 2 of 10 ok but when i look at the caches they uses they have missed the from the same CO requirement. The CO of the challeng has been contacted

    by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
    +1 vote

    Challenge: Nord Syd Øst Vest

    I used the official ignore list for traveling caches and also ignore locationless caches.
    A find i Denmark i also required
    I contacted the CO and asked about it

    by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
    +1 vote

    Challenge: Den alsidige geocacher

    No problem with it and nice output

    by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
    0 votes

    BB: Challenge: Blandede Bolcher


    The above tag is removed and replaced by a tag from rabmoor

    by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
    edited by vogelbird (Expert)
    It's very unlikely that it will tell someone that they succeed when they don't, but it's not 100% correct.

    The following types are required: Trad, myst, multi, letterbox, earth cache
    Maybe you should write something in the tag comment about it?
    I put this one on disable for the time being

    The checker is enabled with a remark as suggested
    vogelbird's tag is definitely not working. Instead of positive result ends up in "Error Failed to execute script". I fixed tag restricted to the required cache types with remark.
    I don't think your checker is as per the conditions of the challenge which asked for a minimum of 10 types.
    Sorry misinterpretated the example, your correct I will remove my tag
    Can you quote the part of challenge conditions where are required 10 types?
    My Danish is not very good so I follow the checker request here and google translate of the listing.
    It the same problem for me but I corrected my remark and removed my tag
    I read Swedish, which is very similar to Danish. I'll translated it again. I'll try to translate as closely as I can, instead of focusing on good grammar.
    I assume bolcher equals type, from the context. It's not a word I understand.

    1. I skal stave til Blandede Bolcher ved hjælp af jeres fundne caches. I skal bruge 1. bogstav i cachenavnet. Så hvis cachen starter med ALT ANDET END ET BOGSTAV, så kan den ikke bruges til denne challenge.
    You should spell "Blandede Bolcher" with the help of your found caches. You should use one letter in the cache name. So if a geocache starts with anything else than a letter, it can not be used.

    2. I skal naturligvis blande jeres 'bolcher', så følgende typer caches skal være repræsenteret i jeres liste: traditionel, mystery, multi, letterbox og earthcache. Det står jer dog frit for at blande jeres 'bolcher' yderligere med flere typer caches!
    You should of course mix your 'bolcher', so the following cache types shall be represented in your list: traditionel, mystery, multi, letterbox and earthcache. It's free for you to mix them with other types as well.

    3. I må IKKE anvende samme cache to gange og I må ikke anvende jeres egne caches...
    You may not use the same cache more than ones, and you may not use your own caches.
    rabmoor: If I understand the config/comment correct. Your tag only allows the listed types? It should allow others as well. Please correct me if I am wrong. I have not reviewed the code itself yet.
    @ganja1447 exactly - the checker is more restricitive, than the Challenge requirements.
    Sadly this particular script's config does not allow "optional" and "obligatory" cachetypes. I might fix some dedicated script eventually because this one is rather heavy on resources (up to 155 MB memory at my popular testing fellow cachers werg and otasparta) but this week I am rather busy ...