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+1 vote

Many thanks for importing the revised UK data. Once the niggles are sorted it should make the map closer to the real situation. There have been highlighted issues with the OSM data this is largely because small areas have been inaccurately tagged. I've raised issues on OSM forums to ask someone with more experience to fix the issue once they have done that I'll alert you to the new data.

Meantime the biggest issue is that the profile stats map isn't using the new data because that map is still using the old counties there are large areas of white where people have cached. THAT gets people mad.

I think you'd find if you fix the profile stats UK map tab to use the new boundaries and shade green you'd fix most of the user complaints. There would still be calls to replace England counties with ceremonial ones but that would be the extent of the complaints.

For clarity under UK (use my settings to see) only shows green on map suggesting I've only cached in Higland on the stats below you see the numbers. There is a bug that isn't using the new boundaries for the drawing of the profile stats and its only counties names that haven't changed that are showing.

in Bug reports by ShammyLevva (Expert) (8.3k points)
I you on the stat page put your own nic in the "Profile name" input field and "Get Profile" you will au url to your nic stats regardless who uses the stats
It is in your case for the maps

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
We actually found some issues that were side-effects from the updates. The maps in Profile stats didn't work correctly. We have now fixed the matter, and purged all data-caches, both internally and externally.

The only thing we can't purge, is client caches. So if the maps still doesn't seem correct. Click refresh on the page (preferably while holding the shift key down).

We have specifically viewed the data of the OP in this thread, and those maps should work now.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by ShammyLevva (Expert)
0 votes

From the thread where the same question was asked

Q: Thanks. Is there any reason that the Profile Stats 'Maps' tab hasn't updated yet, so that it's the same as the 'Map Counties' tool? Or will it update automatically over the next few days?

A: Sorry, missed commenting on that. It's due to data-caching. It may last for up to 30 days actually. Though it's very likely to change the next time your Profile Stats updates.

by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
My profile stats have updated three times since the 'Map counties' tool was changed, and the map on the profile stats is still the same.