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+33 votes
2016 is a fresh new year full of geocaching possibilities. Do you have any special goals that you are planning to fulfill during 2016?
in Miscellaneous by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
retagged by pinkunicorn (Moderator)
My Goal was to reach 1000 which i would reach this weekend. By now i think it would rather be reaching 1200 Caches ;)

74 Answers

+3 votes
I plan to:

Grab a FTF on a multi.

Hide a camouflaged cache.

Go on a power trail.

Achieve another badge level for my Fizzy Grid.

Take some great photographs.

Enjoy finding some magnificent caches.
by Potatonator (11.3k points)
+3 votes
I would like to have more than 4000 finds at the end of the year (I currently have 2963) and to have logged more caches this year than last (last year I had 1019 finds).

I'm trying to fulfil the FTF 24 moths in a row-challenge (I currently have 10 months in a row).

Later this spring I will attempt to log five countries in one day.

I would like to attend at least one Giga event and at least three Mega events. Currently planning to attend the Giga in Essen, Germany. Also currently planning for three Megas (Switzerland and Wales). Mega Sweden FAD also seem likely, but I haven't started planning for that yet.

I would like to finish my second round on the D/T matrix (three combos left) and maybe also the third round (15 combos left).

Always looking to find caches in regions and counties (län och kommuner) here in Sweden where I live that I haven't found caches in yet.

Maybe hosting another event. It was fun last time and a lot of people attended.

However, my main goal is to have a lot of fun!
by Chrysafenios (1.3k points)
+3 votes
1. Completing calender

2. Completing D/T Matrix

3. 100 caches in a day!
by urriellu (640 points)
+3 votes
I want to complete the calender and find a cache every day. :-)
by Kruschtel_Bär (440 points)
+3 votes
More caching. ;)
by Kodo-Jano (2.4k points)
+3 votes
I'm aiming for 2016 finds in 2016
by RidgeGrovers (410 points)
+3 votes

So it's already April, but anyway, my goals were/are:

  • earn the Travel Bug Diamond Badge so that I can finally log a certain challenge (already achieved);
  • find my 100th T5 (8 to go);
  • find my 100th D5 (24 to go);
  • hide my 50th cache (already achieved).

Overall, have a lot of fun of course, which of course doesn't count out a certain amount of statistics geekery. ;)

by Vooruit! (1.1k points)
+3 votes
My goals are:

- reaching the black belt

- more cache finds than in 2015
by Arnaudd (1.6k points)
+2 votes
To finish the Washington Fizzy
by Blue Meanie (810 points)
+2 votes
Get a find in all days of the year and fill the D/T matrix
by saibotb (190 points)
+2 votes

Mine is pretty simple this year.  smiley

  • Complete the 81 Block (only three left)
  • Try to find more caches each month than the month prior throughout the year
  • Clear off my Solved but not yet Retrieved list of solved puzzles (up over 100 now) 
  • Reach 5000 (only 1068 to go)
by Stewj (1.2k points)
+2 votes
Plan on filling our D/T grid.

Getting closer to 3,000 finds currently at 2,702

Few more kayaking series.

Having even more fun caching.
by Shaun&family (190 points)
+2 votes

I haven´t a special target.

One of my primary goals is "have fun every day" smiley

I spend time to walk some hiking trails with a lot of caches.

by .Crusher (190 points)
+2 votes
To com nearer to my next year challange:
10 years 10k founds
by HansHans (2.0k points)
+2 votes
To Go for  the  3000 in 2016 !
by team karstel (400 points)
+1 vote

My target for 2016 is :

- First of all to complete the Finds by found date calendar.

- I will be passing 3000 finds this year

- I will be complete 2001 year in finds by hidden month.

Grettings from Barcelona

by Tots4junts (540 points)
+1 vote
I would like to see new places, and hopefully log new countries in the process. 8 new so far this year, and 2 more nex week, so it's looking pretty good!

I would also like to do the 2d loop of the D/T matrix and work on the 2d loop of the Jasmer
by StadsAlv (10.1k points)
+1 vote
1000 Caches und reach the 83 Matrix
by die Stare (260 points)
+1 vote
I know it's a a little late to answer as it is May now - but anyway...

... my main goal is (of course) to have as much fun as possible by caching and see as much nice places as possible. Second i want to meet new people, get some more friends in my area with the same hobby so that

Except from that my goal are very modest - compared with other users here.

I hope i will make it to

- cache in 2 more states

- get a higher number in "best day" (current 29)

- get 3 more emerald badges (current 2)

- get a mystery-badge (current missing 11)

- get a "regular cacher"-badge (current missing 7)

- get a "rugged cacher"-badge (current missing 3)

I know that these are pretty small goals - but hey, i m realistic... and it's still a hobby, which should bring fun... not stress like work!
by JaToNi (170 points)
+1 vote
not to become addicted to this beautiful game :)
by apneli (870 points)
In this case: see