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+2 votes
The community support system (Q2A) has been upgraded from version 1.6.3 to 1.7.2.

This is a test of writing posts. If you find any new issues with the system, feel free to inform us here or elsewhere. It has been a fair amount of work to go through the upgrade due to some core changes.

The problem is that we have a few addons, patches and theme changes that needed to be updated as well.
in Miscellaneous by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)

3 Answers

0 votes

This is a test reply of q2a-1-7-2smiley

One obvious point - this answer box appears automatically, but if I click Answer anyway it disappears!

by Optimist on the run (Expert) (20.6k points)
From what I can see and understand, this is an intended feature in the Q2A software.

The behavior seems to be that it should toggle the answer box.
0 votes
The view count wasn't increased. This has been fixed now.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
0 votes
Does Q2A have the ability, to mark topics as read (i.e. color shade, check mark, icon of some kind) so when catching up on what's new it's easy to see which topics have already been read?
by Stewj (1.2k points)
Not that I am aware of.

Personally I read the topics almost daily (sometimes several times per day). They are normally sorted with the most recent updated first, so I read until I start recognizing them.

I assume the concept behind Q2A is that it should be used on sites with so much traffic so it's not likely anyone will read it all.

(Q2A is an open source software we use, with only slight modifications)