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0 votes
in Miscellaneous by Bergfex2000 (310 points)
I dont thing any existing checker can check for that but i might be incorrect.
But you can easy check it on map-compare.
Show only your finds in the whole word and add a type seizefilter and look for micros of different types. The link below is for you and show trad micros. Just change the type for the other types that might be on. I would use a screenshot for each requirement
Great! Thanks for your help to find a PCG solution!! :)

1 Answer

+2 votes
I fixed some quick & dirty checker - try it at
by rabmoor (2.8k points)
I agree that is was quick and dirty ther might be false negative with strange sizes on other types. There is event, earth etc with micro sizes

A speedup would be to add the size filter to the getfind and only fetch micro caches
With a little change that makes the code shorter it will be less dirty and accept 100 find on any type
Replace the following part
if cache.type == "Traditional Cache" then
              results.tradi = results.tradi + 1
        if cache.type == "Multi-cache" then
              results.multi = results.multi + 1
        if cache.type == "Unknown Cache" then
              results.unknown = results.unknown + 1
        if cache.type == "Wherigo Cache" then
              results.wherigo = results.wherigo + 1
        if cache.type == "Letterbox Hybrid" then
              results.letter = results.letter + 1

if results[cache.type] == nil then

int the output
will be

and the it will work in all cases
Thanks for input Target.
I just bent and twisted one script of mine and this was the fastest way to implement the required conditions. Anyway, the filter is a performance & memory magic :) I was aware of it but never made myself to implement :)