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0 votes
A similar Challenge, GC594HN, requires the two caches be in Florida. When I run the checker it pulls up one result, maybe the first one it finds, but not a list of results.  So what I'm asking for is a checker that can list all my finds 100 miles or more apart, found in the same state on the same day.
in Miscellaneous by FloridaJim (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

A checker is made for GC594HN (challenge-of-the-century-antmedusas-100th-find). -

Unfortunately it is not possible to provide more results in the printout of the script (GC5F586)

When you do not pass the challenge there is also no printed result.

by vogelbird (Expert) (56.6k points)
edited by vogelbird (Expert)