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For personal reasons, I recently deleted one of my photographs from a found log (actually, I accidently deleted the entire log and had to relog it). However the image still shows in Tools - Gallery. Is this something that will go in time, or is there another way I can hide it?

I'll give further details to a dev on request.
closed with the note: Resolved
in Support and help by Optimist on the run (Expert) (20.6k points)
closed by Optimist on the run (Expert)
You could add the cache to the VGPS and build a gpx file. There is an options to "Refresh data older than:" set it to zero and the number of logs to 30
It will refresh the cache. I am not sure if all logs a updated but i might help
That seems to have worked - thanks :-)
There is a newer better way to do that now. One can also refresh geocaches by clicking the Support-button and choosing "Self-support".

1 Answer

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Yes, it would have disapeared by itself by time. As with everything else, there is some latency for Project-GC to detect data changes. This falls into the category edited data and can therefore take some time to detect.

Since 1-2 weeks ago, one can personally ask the system to refresh geocaches using the self-support-system. It can be found by clicking a Support-button, which can be found at almost every page of Project-GC.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by Optimist on the run (Expert)
A small sidenote. I don't think the image is ever removed from As long as one has the link to it, it exists. But I guess that it's normally enough that the link isn't listed anywhere.