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–2 votes

can this be done by a challenge checker:

It is about finding pairs of caches with the same name with the following rules:

- All letters identical
- Non letter characters (such as numbers or special characters) ca be ignored
- Upper and lower case can be ignored
- Caches can be already archived

See listing for examples of OK and NOK pairs.

Would be cool, if someone can build a checker for that or guide me to an existing checker which works for that.

in Miscellaneous by Lineflyer (4.5k points)

1 Answer

–2 votes
I think I found a suitable checker for that and added a marker myself:

<a href="">Project-GC Challenge checker</a>


It is not 100% but covers a majority of requirements.
by Lineflyer (4.5k points)
You should remove that tag because of the problems.
Checkers should be complete and correct. People will not read the comment and see  the problem and log the cache regardless or assume they are not qualified and ignore it when they are qualified.
The result is visible on maps and not the comment

You will get false negative results.
The checker require that the caches have different owners. It is not documented and results in false negative.
The challenge ins only regarding the letters in the caches bur the checker checks for all characters.

This part is possible to fix.
No to the impossible part.
The challenge does not allow caches to be in the same series. This is almost impossible to detect in a script and for that reason the challenge should not be tagged.
The series problem might result in false positive today but it will for certain if the only letters is implemented

The possible use for a checker script is for the CO to link to one that do not have a  gc code in it from the description. If it is a text link wild extra description that it gives a list of possible matches it can be used.
Lineflyer, please remove this tag because it gives toomuch false information
Will remove the flag right away. Thanks for noticing.