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in Miscellaneous by Rockjockjuka (120 points)
No there is not.
I don't understand one requirement what does "Each cache must have been set in a different month of the year." men? hidden? published? found? or somethin else? i have never seen that in a challenge before
Hi Target, I presume the CO means each qualifying find must have a different month placed.
As nobody else appears to have looked further at this I am adding it to my ToDo list. The extra requirement about the YOSM virtual will mean a custom script is probably necessary.

1 Answer

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Well this was harder than I first thought as the 6 finds have to satisfy all three criteria simultaneously which requires permutation evaluation.  Fortunately SeekerSupreme has written an impressive script that can evaluate NxN permutations, but not in one day so I have ported his script across to a new script that can check this challenge.  If I find other similar challenges I might continue working on the script to make it more generic as it is currently only usable for this specific combination of attributes in one day.

Please give it a try at and select this answer if you are happy!

by Winter Foxes (1.1k points)