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0 votes
in Bug reports by Eldelmovil (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Not from the looks of it, my guess is they've either added a bookmark list which contains all their finds, or there's another bug. Their logs don't appear to have FTF tags in them.
by mole125 (Expert) (21.1k points)
0 votes
ftf_bml_guid: 5ee94e57-baae-4df7-b4f2-e2d6d1f912de
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
What's this?
The guid of the bookmark list the user has put in pgc preferences as a list of his/hers FTF:s
It should be accessible at  the link below but the page says:"The bookmark list you are trying to view has been deleted."
I dont know if it is true or if it is the standard message on hidden bookmarklists
I get the same message.

>I dont know if it is true or if it is the standard message on hidden bookmarklists

@Target. : Are you interested in checking this?
Well, if it's a bug... yes, please!
OK, three of my (existing) lists for this check of the message occurence:
private list: guid=090a7295-83b1-40ab-b778-e117e97562c8
public list: guid=fb72f9ef-3627-4b69-b8fa-08030212a10b
public & shared list: guid=63d2ba8c-2db6-4891-9937-2d9b55ff2b7e
Private: You do not have permissions to view this list.
public list: You do not have permissions to view this list.
public & shared list: is visible
The first and last one is as I expected but I am surprised of the result of the second one. Are you sure the guid and config are correct

I would suspect that CHEPAMA has deleted the list and pgc don't update the result if the list cant be fetched and the result will look like that until CHEPAMA changes the list in pgc config or the refresh part is changed
The public (only) list is my "special" FTF-History for project-gc. And this is working, because I went to project-gc after I've done FTFs without the pgc needed tagging to automatical retreive FTFs.

>I would suspect that CHEPAMA has deleted the list and pgc don't update the
>result if the list cant be fetched and the result will look like that until CHEPAMA
>changes the list in pgc config or the refresh part is changed

If the list is no more or not reachable by project-gc the service itself should complain about IMO.
PGC does not relay need the list to be public to be read.
You can only see bookmarlist in filters if they are public even if it is your list. But you can use them if you own them and they are private if you copy the guid.
I can see the public only list on pgc but not on for some reason
I think you know that you can edit the logs there was only 10 to include a recognised tag and remove that list
Yes, I know the possibility to edit each of the FTF-logs, but I didn't want to do.
Before pgc I had another statistics tool, which worked on slightly different FTF-tags, which are not in PGC. Thus I decided to work with the list, PGC offers.

What do you mean with "10 to include" (the number of known tags)?
The number of caches in the list of FTFs. After a recheck i can see that it is 17 including archived caches
I'm confused with this discussion: is there a bug or not? If do, can it be repared or not?
There is definitely some form of bug, we are investigating it now.
It is probably fixed now, but it will take several hours for the system to update. We will know tomorrow.