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0 votes
When I use:
there are almost no challenges on the map.

For example only 4 in Denmark and I know there are lots and lots of them. Have tried othere countries with the same result? So there must be something wrong with the map?

This is usually how I find challenges to log, so it is not because I do not know how to use the map.
in Bug reports by Geoborderne (970 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Seems to be working for me.

Are you sure you haven't added a filter (clicked on a difficulty or terrain value)?
by mole125 (Expert) (21.1k points)
Clicking on difficulty 1.0 gives only 4 results - ctrl-click to deselect it and search against all caches.
Looks like there is also a bug in that the 'reset' button doesn't actually reset all the fields - in particular not the terrain/difficulty selections which I would expect it to (not resetting the country is probably intentional)
I got it to work now. I have never limited my search on D/T but apparently that was what happened and it would not release it until I tried your suggestion with ctrl+click. It did not look like any d/t was chosen before but it must have been. Now I see them all again. Thanks for the help.
0 votes
Its also working for me, I did also check denmark and see a lot of challenges.

I would agree, that you might accidentely have set some D/T or other filters on the parameter page of the map.
by Lineflyer (4.5k points)