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Ich möchte in meiner statistik "366 - Placed Day oder hidden date" mit nur "Multis" vervollständigen.

Im tab "Funde" unter "funde nach versteckdatum" mit dem typ-filter: "Multi-cache" seh ich welche tage noch fehlen.


wenn ich das Tool "Versteckdatum-Tool" mit den einstellungen:
Cache Standort: Europa / Profilname: MYNAME / Type: Multi-cache / Size: Large,Micro,Not chosen,Other,Regular,Small,Virtual
benutze, erhalte ich das Resultat: Dir fehlen keine versteckdaten.

Was mache ich falsch oder funktioniert das tool nicht richtig?


I would like to complete “366 - Placed Day or hidden date” in my statistics with only “Multis”.

In the tab “Finds” under “Finds by hidden date” with the type filter: “Multi-cache” I can see which days are still missing.


when I use the tool “Stash date tool” with the settings:
Cache Location: Europe / Profile Name: MYNAME / Type: Multi-cache / Size: Large,Micro,Not chosen,Other,Regular,Small,Virtual
I get the result: You are not missing any stash data.

What am I doing wrong or is the tool not working properly?

(Translated with (free version))
in Bug reports by andi e. (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The tool is working as intended but the filters are not intended to do what you're asking. There is currently no way to search for what you're asking for.
by Pleu (50.9k points)
Ohhh, sehr schade dass das so nicht funktioniert.

Gibt es sonst eine möglichkeit/tool (evt GSAK), z.B. multis mit dem entsprechenden auslegedatum zu filtern?
Jedenfals vielen, vielen dank für ihre antwort.

Ohhh, what a pity that it doesn't work like this.

Is there any other possibility/tool (possibly GSAK), e.g. to filter multis with the corresponding issue date?
In any case, thank you very much for your answer
I don't know if there's a GSAK-tool. There isn't a helpful tool for hidden date excluding year, I usually use map compare and make one search for each year. So I wouldn't search for things like this until I have very few dates left.