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0 votes

I saw the sentence come up in a checker 

"If a non Premium member uses the checker all premium caches will be excluded from the calculation because of licence issues"

OK - (and this isn't me - this is hypothetical)
so what if a longstanding premium member with 20,000 finds to his name (all found as a premium member) which will include a proportion of premium member caches - then, for whatever reason, lets his membership lapse and is now a basic member. He then chooses to have a look for a bunch of challenge caches which he knows he qualified for as he had chacked them some time ago (when he was a premium member) 
However on double checking the checker he comes across a couple that now say 'no' because of the issue above. 
All the caches he found that would have qualified him for that challenge including premium caches were found while he was a premium member - so not in breach of any licence issues and yet he will be penalised from qualifying now due to being a basic member 

How is this fair ? 

in Miscellaneous by Deepdiggingmole (14.1k points)
edited by Deepdiggingmole

1 Answer

+1 vote
If I remember correctly, the checker will still show OK if a premium member runs it for the non-premium person.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
Oh - OK
So what you are saying is that, it is simply the status of the person using the checker - so if I as a PM ran the checker for a basic member - it would show the result as if the basic member were premium - i.e all caches found would count.

That is fine - however a basic member who could still qualify would not know if they just ran it themselves and who would think to ask a PM cacher to run it for them - they would just think they didn't qualify.

I understand the issues around the license etc but it still means there may be many basic members who could qualify and do so within the licence boundaries but are not aware simply because they ran the checker - couldnt there be an addendum to the statement added to the checker to say - any basic member who believe they do qualify (i.e previously PM) to then ask a PM to run the checker for them.
As it's part of the license criteria there isn't really anything that PGC can do about this. Your concerns should be addressed to GCHQ.