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0 votes
I am wondering if there is a way of finding the number of cachers with X number of finds in a particular area for a date range.

As an example, I am looking for the number of geocachers from Victoria, Australia that found 12 or more geocaches in 2024.

Currently I run the Top Found statistic and filter through the pages until I find the 11/12 cutover point.

Firstly is it possible to extract the full list into a csv as this would make finding various counts much easier.

Alternatively is there an different way to source this sort of info as different numbers are often used?

in Support and help by RoamingHowie (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Note that this gives you find counts without labs.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
Thanks for the reminder! I can live without ad lab finds for this purpose.