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0 votes
Does anyone else have  discrepancy between their D/Tgrid on and Project-GC? My overall number of finds are the same on the two grids but there's one more D3/T3.5 and one less D1.5/T3.5 on PGC compared to I've left it long enough for PGC to update.
in Bug reports by Boomshanka (360 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Are you sure about that? If the reason is that a cache had its D/T changed (which seems likely) then Project-GC doesn't get notified about that so it can take a rather long time before we notice if the cache doesn't get a new log (a month at least). If the cache also happens to be archived, it can take even longer. It will eventually happen, but you may need to wait a bit.

If you know which cache is the problem you can request a refresh for the relevant GC code via Support -> Self-support to speed this process up.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
It does seem that a DT change is likely, but I didn't know it would take that long to update (I thought Premium members updated daily). I'll keep an eye on it and hopefully things will resolve soon. Thanks for the explanation.
New finds update as quickly as possible, typically within the hour. This is not a new find, though, but a change to a cache that you’ve already logged.