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If a group of people have solved a geo-art series and someone has typed the corrected coordinates back in Would it be possible to export a GPX file and have the other users use it to export the corrected coordinates back into their own accounts?
closed with the note: Perfect answer below
in Feature requests by Gamboy (390 points)
closed by Gamboy

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
If you use the VGPS function on Project-GC (which is a paid function on Project-GC), then one person can update the corrected coordinates for the caches and put them in a VGPS list and share the coordinates. After that, the people that the list is shared with can choose to update their coordinates for the caches in the list from the VGPS list, which will set the corrected coordinates for these caches in their accounts.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
selected by Gamboy