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0 votes
I used the map of challenge caches (as usual) and it shows me none or very few challenges, depending on my choices. I can see 9 challenges in the whole of Germany, for example. Something seems to be wrong. Does any one else face the same problems?
in Bug reports by meerblau (500 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Can you double check what filters you have applied? Because if I'm running a search for the whole of Germany with only excluding archived I get 4496 caches on the map which seems correct. My guess would therefor be that you have added a filter by accident or is using a filter that gives you different results than you expected.
by Pleu (50.9k points)
Oooo. Now I saw my mistake. I had something written in the section regarding the name of the caches. Sorry, everything works fine.