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0 votes
Hi, I constantly get a message saying "Please allow ads on our site". I am a paying member and I have disabled my ad blocker for this site but nevertheless the popups keep appearing. What am I doing wrong? How can I stop the popups?

Thank you! Fellowtraveller
in Bug reports by Fellowtraveller (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
This may be caused by antivirus or other similar software. Check for more information and tips.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
No adblocker or so hereā€¦
–2 votes
The secret is to be a paying member of project-gc, which suppresses the ads. But the ad blocker is still detected, causing the message you see. So in your ad blocker allow Project-GC to show ads for (it won't, as you have payed the PGC subscription) and you will not see that annoying message again.
by the Seagnoid (Expert) (46.3k points)