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I try using the DT Matrix tool to fid caches to fill the DT Matrix. After one or two uses, the tool will only show my unfilled DT squares and not any caches to fulfill a particular DT square.
in Support and help by Blues Crew (2.5k points)

1 Answer

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I don't see any disfunction, everything work fine according to parameters for me

If you add a filter on D/T and select a certain D and/or T to focus on what missing, if you fulfill for this selection there is a nothing to show and you get also a message saying that "No caches found with the selected criteria.". The same could be true if you select a country/region that haven't any added cache for your selection.
You then may have to increase the loop selection to see what is missing for a certain number of runs (paying option)
"Hide Loop

Paying members only
by Pepegeo (11.2k points)