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+8 votes

I really like the existing tools "Map Regions" and "Map Counties" in the tools menu. But I would much more love to use a "Map Countries" tool where I can explore which Countries in the world or on a continent I already cached in and which are still waiting to be visited.

I know there is a text-lists of all the used countries in the FAQ area at but It's not very pleasant to keep comparing lists of plain texts: I like to see the results in a map, zoom in on the map to small Counties, use filters for different cache types or terrain ratings and so on! I like to watch the red/green-marked map to find exclaves, identify small islands next to other countries or streets with border crossings for an easy visit when I am traveling. I also like to see a list under the continent-map where I can see how many caches I have logged in which country - and to which small ones I should zoom in on the map because they have still 0 logs.

All that is working for Regions and Counties and I would like it also for Countries. Please consider implementing this feature.

in Feature requests by PHIL (770 points)
edited by PHIL

1 Answer

+1 vote
I like the idea of the country map and hope it will be implemented.

That would make vacation planning easier.
by Trix (170 points)