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0 votes
I'd like to create a statistics query that I can use periodically to obtain a list of geocachers whose home location is the Province of Manitoba in Canada that have been a user on for at least 60 days and has found at least one geocache within the past year.
in Support and help by MarcoIslandGuy (140 points)
edited by MarcoIslandGuy

2 Answers

0 votes
That's not possible for a lot of reasons but mainly because the data isn't available.
by Pleu (50.9k points)
0 votes

The membership duration (at least 60 days) is no filterable value.

But for an estimation, just to get an overview, you can use the range of the Logdate:

So from 21.11.2022 to 21.11.2023 at least 3101 cachers found min. 1 Cache.

Maybe this helps for your investigation.

by Onkel Benny (3.6k points)