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0 votes
A few months ago, I set up a new challenge cache for having found 100 virtuals.   My GC # is GCAAVP7.   I found a similar challenge, and used the clone button, and set it up.   After a little bit, i started hearing that the checker is disabled.    I can't clone a working checker for my cache because the system says another checker is already associated with the cache.   How can I fix/handle?
in Support and help by northwing65 (140 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

The best place for support regarding Challenge Checkers is the Challenge Checker Forum.

Nonetheless, I have asked an administrative user to look into this for you.

EDIT (10:59am EST): Looks like you forgot to add the 'Challenge cache' attribute to your listing. Please do this, so that your cache is properly identified as a Challenge cache. Then we can re-enable the checker for you.

by Hügh (1.8k points)
Not so much that the CO missed the attribute as that the publishing reviewer missed its absense, I'd say.