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I use the Dynamic Location for New Cache Notifiers. Sometimes I travel and hike alone. Can I share my location with someone else? Just a map with my current location or history via a special link. That would be a cool feature!
in Feature requests by XETRO (190 points)

1 Answer

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I think you would need a separate tool for that - telling Project-GC (PGC) where you are wouldn't help unless someone were to go to PGC to see your location. As PGC is really set up for PC rather than portable access it would be cumbersome at best (unless you are talking about friends at home!).

Probably best implemented in the geocaching applications. You should petition the application developers, and get a bunch more people asking for this to show that there is support for such a feature.

One way to do this would be to use Share My Location within Google maps, accessed by swiping up from the bottom of the google maps screen. Works best if you are navigating to a destination (even if it is home). However this takes screen space and is easily accidentally closed.

When I am on my own I let my friends know I am okay and where I am by sending them the gc code of the cache I am at (it's a single groups of geocaching friends in Messenger).
by the Seagnoid (Expert) (46.3k points)