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0 votes
For quite a while, daily statistics have usually been updated around 0200 or 0300 UTC (mid-evening US Eastern time).  Recently, it has often been much later than that.  And for today, it is 12+ hours late and no new statistics.

Two questions: is there a new "normal" time for daily stats to run?  And

Is there a real time server status page that is public that would indicate whether systems are normal, etc.?

Thanks!  bejs
in Miscellaneous by bejs (760 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
There is no fixed time that your stats get updated. When you check your stats page (or someone else does), it gets refreshed if the currently stored version of the page is older than 24 hours. A new 24 hour period is then set from the time of this refresh.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
selected by bejs
Ah, very helpful. My sense of "normal" was probably developed back when I was doing a 500+ day streak, which ended a few months ago. During the streak, I would generally check my stats daily in the evening my time (mid-evening US East Coast time).  But I cannot get out to cache as often as I used to, and so I am not checking stats daily, and it is possible than yesterday I checked stats during the day, thereby triggering the 24 hour clock.  Thanks.
Thanks for the explanation!   I also noticed that mine was seemingly being done in the middle of the night now instead of in the early evening.  I also previously assumed that this was a process that was being run daily at a given time.    Knowing the 24 hour old refresh upon checking part, I can periodically wait more than 24 hours and check it early the next evening to reset the timing (assuming no one else checks my stats).  I assume that the checking the stats page includes someone looking at the stats via my geocaching,com profile where I include the project-gc profile stats.