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While looking for caches with most favorite points in a certain area, I noticed that the bars for the caches I already found are no longer marked by a specific color, but they show with the same color.

My example:
- Search for "Top favorites" with filter Country: Spain, Region: Islas Baleares
- In the result e.g. "LP-Hotel "Es Pas"" and "Cuevas del drach.." (and many more on the list) are already found by me.  Those used to have a dedicated color, but are shown in "normal blue".

Filtering out "found caches" however works as expected. The bug is only the missing coloring for found caches as it used to be.
in Bug reports by Lineflyer (4.5k points)
Can't add a screenshot for some reason

1 Answer

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Best answer
I'm pretty sure you've missclicked something. When I'm doing the search you describe the caches 'Deep Darkness' and 'LP-Hotel "Es Pas"' are both marked in a lighter color than the other caches you haven't logged in the top ten.
by Pleu (50.9k points)
selected by Lineflyer
Stupid me...I overlooked minimum 10 times, that I forgot to enter my user name into the search field/filter field.

Please disregard this bug report