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I completed "The Calendar Cacher" and now I have 59 days left to fill it for the third time. How can I see which days are missing to fill the calendar for the third time?

Which kind of geocaches are counting in "The Calendar Cacher"?
in Support and help by Appeltern (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
All geocaches count, lab caches do not count. Easiest way to see which dates you need is to use the Needed found dates-tool if you have a paid membership at Project-GC or look at the calendar in your profile stats if you don't. If you have a paid membership you've probably included the lab caches in the calendar in profile stats, so that's why you need to use the tool.

Needed found dates:
Documentation for calendar cacher badge:
by Pleu (50.9k points)
This one really baffles me... On NeededFoundDates I can see how many caches I have found on a specific day in the year, but I cannot figure out how I see how many years I have found one or more caches on that specific date (day/month). I have also seen users with a loop value of 57, how does that happen? So how do I find the dates that I need to cache on to bump my loop count?

The year is irrelevant for this badge, it's only the number of caches on the date that counts. If you have 57 caches on all dates you will have 57 seven loops. It doesn't matter if you did them all in one year or if you did them spread out over multiple years. To bump your loop count you just use the tool and increase the amount of find caches for the dates were you have fewer finds than the loop your aiming for.
I initially thought it meant what you describes but those numbers also do not add up.
I currently have 2 loops. On the mouse over It says I'm 7 days short of leveling up, but on NeededFoundDays I have 10 days with a value of 2.
The cacher I had seen with a loop of 53 (not 57 is I wrote earlier) have days with 46, 50, 51 and 52 finds on he's NeedFoundDays.

If you have a paid membership and opted to include lab caches then lab caches are included in the badge. This is very easy to see based on your stats since you have 7 days left on the badge, 11 days left on the NeededFoundDates and the four dates that differ (17 July, 2 November, 9 November and 3 December) are all dates were you've logged lab caches.

That I said that lab caches aren't included in the first answer was because the OP does not have paid membership and so for them lab caches would not be included.
Thanks, now it makes sense.