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0 votes
I found a cache which was then retracted. As a result my numbers here don't match up with them on I think it also affects my milestones after I found it.

Any way to fix it?
in Miscellaneous by Corp Of Discovery (120 points)
regarding the milestones you can modify them yourself on though.

2 Answers

+1 vote
No, there isn't. doesn't give any information about retracted caches via the API that we use but they still include them in your find count on the web site, so there's not much we can do.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
What if I have a GPX file with the cache info?
Project-GC has no way to import a GPX file, so that doesn't help.
0 votes
The only way to fix this is to ask your local reviewer or Geocaching HQ to delete the find on the retracted cache.
by Pleu (50.9k points)