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+2 votes

This glitch report is similar to but that discussion did not really get to the heart of the problem. 

Most days, my profile total find counts are correctly displayed and are in sync with what shows.  But some days -- perhaps one or two days a week -- the total is incorrect because it shows that I have 20 more "total" caches than I in fact do. It appears that the system -- only on some days -- adds the lab caches to a find count that already includes the lab caches.  I have taken screen shots that I could forward if helpful.

So, for example, today my profile page correctly shows 1705 total finds (ignoring the 1 cache logged today that has not yet appeared on the profile):

bejs has logged 1685 different geocaches, plus 20 lab caches, a total of 1705 unique finds Data from 2022-04-18

These are the same numbers that shows.  BUT a few days ago, my profile page incorrectly showed:

bejs has logged 1691 different geocaches, plus 20 lab caches, a total of 1711 unique finds Data from 2022-04-15

And on that day, correctly reported that in fact I had 1671 finds plus the 20 lab caches, for a total of 1691 finds. 

So a few days ago, Project-GC (incorrectly) reported that I had more finds than it (correctly) reports today, but I have NOT deleted any finds in the past few days.

I have observed this behavior for months, and have viewed the incorrect profile stats on a number of different devices.  In other words, if I have seen the incorrect numbers on my phone, I have checked on my computer and also found the incorrect (and too high) numbers.  As noted, I can send screen shots of the posting from a few days ago.

Thanks for all the work you do on Project-GC!  bejs

in Bug reports by bejs (760 points)
edited by bejs
This has happened again, exactly as described above (and let me know if screenshots would be helpful to provide).  At 3:00 UTC Friday (11pm EST Thursday where I am), the following is displayed:
  - correctly shows that I have 1762 finds
  - the "Finds by Type" box on my main page correctly shows that I have the following finds:  Traditional -1085; Unknown -272; Wherigo -108 ; Multi -94; Virtual -90; Earthcache -37 ; Letterbox -31 ; Event -13 ; CITO -6 ; Webcam -5 ; Locationless -1 (all of which correctly totals to 1742)
  - the "LabCaches" page on Project-GC correctly shows that I have 20 LabCache finds
  - yet the banner headline on my primary Project-GC stats page INCORRECTLY shows:  bejs has logged 1762 different geocaches, plus 20 lab caches, a total of 1782 unique finds Data from 2022-05-06
  - this error/bug in Project-GC appears in Firefox on a Windows machine, in Safari on a Mac, and in Chrome on an Android phone.

I appreciate that it is not a hardship for me to just know that Project-GC is wrong sometimes, but it is a pretty prominent error that I hope could be tracked down and corrected.  And my goal in this added comment is not intended to complain or whine, but simply to add an additional data point confirming what I have previously said - that this problem happens repeatedly on my Project-GC page.

Again, thanks for all of the volunteer work that goes into Project-GC.  bejs
Again, same thing.  Profile stats page is currently showing:  

bejs has logged 1798 different geocaches, plus 20 lab caches, a total of 1818 unique finds Data from 2022-05-10

which double counts the 20 lab caches.  It should say 1778 + 20 for a total of 1798.  [NOTE, after Project-GC updated my stats for the day, I recorded 3 additional find so has the correct total of 1801]

Thanks, bejs

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
A few days ago a release of the website was made that decreases the chance of this happening. At least we think so. It's hard to test since we can't reproduce it, from what we know it's a matter of luck, or being unlucky.

There is a fundamental design issue when rendering Profile stats. Something we have been working on fixing twice, but have had to abort due to other work taking presence.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by bejs