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fisnjack is a local geocacher. He is a premium member with 29,000+ finds since 2003.

However, his name is not recognized by any of the challenge checkers. 

Error Failed to execute script 5 

in Support and help by Ragfoot (220 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The user ‘fisnjack’ has opted out of sharing their data with third-party sites, and this included Project-GC - the site can’t access finds to check against.
by DrAcorn (5.2k points)
selected by Ragfoot
Either he changed his status or a spelling error because I get returns on checkers

[fisnjack]( has used [Project-GC]( "Project-GC Challenge Checker") to see if they qualified for this challenge and they did.

I have found required number of caches (1) in each of 32 Regions (required number of Regions: 13).