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+1 vote
To me the stats should be calculated the same way that has set.

If a challenge doesn't want to include Lab caches, the CO can have the checker exclude them, or simply state in the challenge that certain cache styles don't apply.
in Feature requests by Blues Crew (2.5k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Paying members of Project-GC have the option of including Lab Caches in your stats.  Its under 'Settings', near the top of your 'Profile Stats' page.  This does not include the data in checkers however.....

The rest of this answer skips any discussion about if Lab Caches are real caches or not.....which is obviously a real and live topic......

Lab caches have long been problematic for the challenge checkers.... Lab caches simply do not have most of the data that the checkers rely on.

A Lab Cache does not have difficulty or terrain, no coordinates, no Country, Region or County, does not have an owner, no size, no elevation, no favorite points.... and so on.  These are what most checkers are built to check.

You are correct that some challenges, like streaks, would work fine with Lab's included by default, but a lot of old checkers (that pre-date Labs) would simply break if Lab cache data was returned to them.
by GreyHams (1.7k points)
edited by GreyHams
But some checkers only check a number of founds and PGC can count your lab cache founds for a checker.
I don't know any checker that uses it.
Lab cache checker examples are (Simple checker including Lab Caches) (Findcount per weekday (including Lab caches) (Different findcount per type) (Caches during a sliding interval (Target) ext. with Lab Caches) (SameX DifferentY extended)
Many thanks for this examples.