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0 votes
Project-GC has been automatically logging me out routinely. There may be something wrong with the pages associated with challenge checkers and checker forums.  Are others experiencing the same?
in Bug reports by kilroy18 (140 points)
I am not experiencing this issue.
I have never experienced that

3 Answers

+1 vote
It works just as usual for me. Are you sure that your browser accepts and keeps cookies as it should? Are you perhaps running in an incognito tab by accident?
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
+1 vote
by barefootguru (230 points)
0 votes
I only have this issue after clearing caches and cookies within my browser after closing the browser or restart the browser.

Does this have a releation / reason to your issue?
by supertwinfan (19.6k points)
Nope, not the same issue.