Cache types - trad, multi, unknown, earthcache, event CITO etc etc and virtual (there are 20 different types)
Cache sizes - large, regular, small, micro, other, not chosen and virtual (only 7 sizes)
In the search function on GC you mention, there are only the 5 options for sizes however if you just selected 'Other' this does in fact look for 'other', 'not chosen' and 'virtual' - generally the first 6 sizes are attributable to 'physical' caches - 'other' and 'not given' usually given to caches where the CO doesnt want to give away a surprise at GZ - like with handcrafted containers or crafty/sneaky hides. Though these two have also been attributed to non-physical caches too
The size 'virtual' is given to caches that are not physical such as types - virtual, locationless, webcam
Though I have seen, for example, webcams have been given sizes, virtual, not chosen and other
If you go to a virtual cache page and look at the size it will show 'virtual' even though it will come up in the search you did for 'other' on GC
Hope that helps
Also OP means Original Post - so refers back to the very first post rather than subsequent sub-posts