I've now updated the script and tag config. The output now looks like:
S Multi: GC4WY8W: Snake Eyes,
U Multi: GC41530: Ultraviolet,
P Multi: GC340DE: Preparation H: Feels good, on the hole,
E Multi: GC15966: Electric Avenue,
R Multi: GC71C7: Ringgold Cache,
C Multi: GC2EBY8: Confederate Cemetery at Jonesville, Va.,
A Multi:
L Multi:
I Multi: GCR789: In the Loop,
F Trad: GC4P90D: For the love of books,
R Trad: GC47CW3: Rhodes Pond #7 - Why is this pond here?,
A Trad: GC1RF9T: ATN Get Skinny,
G Trad: GC3JWWY: Gas-N-Go,
I Trad: GC3ERCD: ilaria, GCBEB4: I-55 Southbound Arkansas Welcome, GC1EYJ2: Intracoastal Waterway Cache,
L Trad: GC3G0BC: Lumberyard,
S Trad: GC139VG: Some Gave All,
T Trad: GC1WWK2: The Lake Trail Traffic Circle Cache,
C Trad: GC11DRE: Columbun Cleft,
E Mystery: GC32EJR: Extreme Traveling Tales: a lier's cache,
X Mystery:
P Mystery: GC3BJ1G: Pack 738s 50th anniversay, Troop 738s beginning,
I Mystery: GC2Z2KV: It's Not Rocket Science, GC1G8JK: It's The End Of The Road: Cereal Killers,
A Mystery: GC3E180: Alphanumeric Challenge- Virginia Edition ABC-123,
L Mystery: GC1X3KG: Lonely Cache Challenge,
D Other: GC41AQM: DGS: 9pm Days gone by with Lukedrywalker. ,
O Other: GCD1C8: Old Mill Cache, GC4F1RR: Ol' Fashioned Swap Meet (and Greet),
C Other: GCAAD0: Centerville Stop I-40E,
I Other: GCGJ7W: I Spy, You Spy, She Spied,
U Other: GCH6MJ: University of Christi,
S Other: GC2585: Sun n' Surf "Cache-cam",