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Ich kenne Sie nur Hosts Ich kann aber keine Kontaktmöglichkeit zum Programmierer dieser Seite finden. Ich möchte eines meiner Konten löschen. Hatten Sie Kontakt zum Programmierer oder können Sie mir bitte bei meinem Problem helfen?

in Miscellaneous by das andere (220 points)
Google translate for non-Germans: I only know you hosts But I can not find any way to contact the programmer of this page. I want to delete one of my accounts. Did you have contact with the programmer or could you help me with my problem?

2 Answers

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Unless that information is outdated, this is what is in the bottom of about hosting:

Hosted by Ground Zero Communications AB (owner of Project-GC)

Their IP points to CloudFlare which also fronts

To my knowledge, Ichicken is still officially the administrator of (and its Danish sister site It may very well be the case that he has not been online for quite some time. Unlike project-gc he has not charged anything for the work he has done. It is on a pure volunteer basis.

Being a programmer myself, I can easily see why he might decide to pull out of doing active maintainance on the site for any number of reasons. Especially the part where doing user admin is often a manual task. I respect that decision.

The question more or less boils down to: Is the site usable in its current form without an active admin? I would argue yes. Others may disagree.

by Funky_Boris (9.8k points)
selected by das andere
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Klickt am Brief oben auf der Seite, um den Programmierer zu finden.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
Negativ. Ichicken war das letzte mal am 28 April 2018 Online.
Das war der erste Weg den ich gegangen bin.