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+1 vote
Again my number of founds are less on Project-GC (it is only one point), but I am wondering, why.

That is not only for some weeks, but since I think about 3  till 6 month!

Can you please tell me what to do, to get the right numner of finds.

On my number of finds is alway 1 more than on Project-GC.

And that is also so, when I wait several days without a find!
in Support and help by glastiger_and_family (450 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes

Usually it's just a problem of time and it gets regularized after a few days ... but that does not seem to be the case, so there is the support at the top right that allows once a week to run checks of cache counter ...
with hope to meet your expectations, happy new year 2019

traduit du francais pas google translate

 d'habitude c'est juste un probléme de temps et cela se régularise aprés quelques jours ... mais cela ne semble pas le cas, donc il y a le support en haut a droite qui permet une fois par semaine de lancer des vérifications de compteur de cache...
avec espoir de répondre a vos attente, bonne année 2019


by Chup'a (11.2k points)
Thanks again,
your suggestion to run the check in the support was the right thing.
Now the little different exists not longer.
Also a happy new year to you!
0 votes
If you have done any Lab Caches, then you need to modify your Project-GC settings to see Lab Caches.

Otherwise, even for non members this site refreshes once a week
by GreyHams (1.7k points)