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+1 vote
I recently found this great list that pulls cache logs where we have posted a note but did not log as found.  After understanding how it builds the list, I like the logic.  I'm fine with the [Not Signed] flag - now that I know about it.  :-)  I accept that I will need to modify the original Notes with the exclusion text to clear them from the list.  Got it.

My problem is that before I found the exclusion flag, I deleted about 15 of the original logs at  I can no longer modify these original logs.  My next idea is to create a log on the same date as the original with the [Not Signed] flag.  However, it seems to me that since Project-GC has flagged the original, archived Note, the system may hold on to the original flag and not allow me to correct the problem.

Any experience with resetting a Project-GC flag on an archived log?
in Support and help by TeamPumpJack (150 points)
Refreshing the logs from Self-support should do the job
Thank you.  What is Self-support?
On any page, click Support and then Self-Support. Copy the captcha to the field and click "Refresh Found geocaches". I hope this was adjusted also to the write notes, since they are already used in the stats. Otherwise, it should be updated to use them.

1 Answer

0 votes
If you create a new note after deleting the original one, the system will pick that up. I'm not sure how long it will take, but it will happen.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)