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+2 votes
The island of Madeira is not shown in the map view. Only a blue screen appears.
in Bug reports by Windschattenwanderer (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The Island of Madeira is shown under Portugal as a region.

Under the heading Top Logged Caches you can see

Portugal > Madeira> towns & smaller islands
by vogelbird (Expert) (58.3k points)
0 votes
Perhaps you mean your profile stats, when you say 'map view', right? Because in Tools - Map based .. every piece of land is visible of course.

It's the same situation like with USA/Hawaii - Madeira and other isles belonging to Portugal are too remote to be included into main map of whole country. These map views are not zoomable.
by Rikitan (3.6k points)
I mean the graphical view in : Profile stats / Maps / Portugal / Madeira
The complete island did not appear in this view. Only a lovely blue ocean.:-)
The counties where I found some caches are shown correctly, but the graphical display of the island is missing.
Unfortunaly there is no possibility to attach a sc.
Ah, you are right .. real bug .. giving you +1