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+4 votes
Can I purchase a membership for a friend
in Support and help by aidipi (160 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
Yes, there is a checkbox on the membership page named "Gift Membership to a Friend" under the payment header that will let you buy someone else a membership.
by Mike Fitz (5.0k points)
Note that the new membership will be effective immediately (in case you plan to surprise someone).
–1 vote

oui dans la partie adhésion 

, dans le paragraphe paiement, cocher la case "cadeau a un ami", vous devrez renseigner son pseudo 

traduit par google translate du français

yes in the membership part, in the payment section, check the box "gift to a friend", you will need to fill in his username

by Chup'a (11.2k points)
Try not to repeat yourself. This was already said and your answer does not add anything new (except for the fancy colors and fonts).
–2 votes
Yes, check a box In the membership page named "Gift Membership to a Friend" under the payment header that will let you buy someone else a membership.
by medvedzl (1.8k points)
Hello medvedzi. Welcome to PGC Q&A. This question was already answered twice so repeating the same thing over and over again will not help anyone. If you wish to help someone, please, focus on unanswered questions or providing at least something new to the topics.