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during the last weeks, tht ftf-stats haven taken a log time for showing. For nearly two weeks I haven't been able to have a look on it, because everytime it is running out of time! What's wrong?

Das Erdmännchen
in Support and help by Das Erdmännchen (120 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Perhaps you must wait a little ... i have not this problem and my ftf is ok ... may be you can use support To refresh the cache for made solution at this mistake ...
Sorry for m'y pour english, i'm french and with téléphone it's difficulte To translate
by Chup'a (11.2k points)
+1 vote

There were a number of modules which had errors reported from the server (see also the question ""Finds by distance from home" module not loading?", but this appears to have been resolved. I haven't seen any official comment from ganja1447 about it, so I don't know what has been fixed.

by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)